The product images are the most valuable assets of your listing. Therefore, it is obligatory to line up with Amazon image requirements for product to fully exploit the potential. For this reason, it is significant to keep an eye on the changing requirements.
Is it difficult for you to search for the latest image requirements? Or Do you feel your listing photography doesn’t align with Amazon requirements? Nothing to worry about; we’ve covered these things in this piece of information. Well, here is a thorough discussion about the Amazon FBA product image requirement. So, be with us to equip your listing with upgraded shots.
What is Amazon FBA?
Fulfillment by Amazon or FBA is such a cool selling program offered by Amazon. Amazon FBA courageously saves your time and keeps you away from shipping or management hassles. The FBA program sellers simply send their inventory to Amazon warehouses.
From now onwards, Amazon will be responsible for everything. The rest of the things like storing your products, shipping orders to customers, providing customer support, and everything will be managed by Amazon.
However, one thing you need to do enthusiastically is to align your product images with Amazon requirements. In turn, your product listing will grab a higher ranking in the amazon search bar, including attracting greater audience attention.
Now let’s move to the main topic. Here we are going to write about the product image requirements that are involuntary to follow. Because without following those requirements, your listing will not get approval, or you will be unable to rank higher. So, let’s start together.
Amazon Product Detail Page Image Requirements
Your Amazon store’s most important location is the product detail page. Therefore, two sets of images are required for your listing. One is the MAIN image, and the other is additional images. However, one can not proceed without the first one, which is shown against the search query typed in the amazon search bar. Well, here are some requirements for the product photography:
- The main image is compulsory.
- The main image background must be white and show only a product that is available for sale. And ought to cover the image frame.
- Amazon recommends providing one video and six images as best practices.
- Good photography fully reflects the product attributes and is easy to understand.
- Images must be attractive, informative, and clear.
- Additional images must be used to show product usage, product in an environment, product attributes, and shots from different angles and features. However, mockups, placeholders, illustrations, and graphics are not allowed.
- Main Images must not contain any color blocks, watermarks, logos, text, or any type of graphics at the background and top section.
- Multiple views of a single product are not allowed for the main image.
- The complete product must be presented in the main image. And presenting it in packaging is also not allowed unless it’s an important feature.
- Main shots should not capture a human model in postures such as kneeling, lying down or leaning, sitting, etc. Therefore, assistive technology for physical mobilities is all allowed, such as prosthetics, wheelchairs, etc.
- Multi-pack accessories and apparel items ought to be shot off-model for the main image.
- It is prohibited to show any part of a mannequin for clothing accessories in the main image irrespective of the appearance of the mannequin. Therefore, Men’s and Women’s clothing must be shown on the human model. However, for kids’ clothing, it is compulsory to shoot off-model.
- For shoe items, it is obligatory to show a single shoe at a 45-degree angle from the left face.
Is it important to comply with Amazon image requirements?
Substantially, a seller fails to upload an image file to their listing. And it’s really an annoying thing or time-wasting. However, the reason is that your file doesn’t meet the technical file requirements; that’s why you are unable to upload your product photography.
Another reason for sellers’ heartsore is when their listings are removed from search results. It is because of non-compliance with the image requirements. And it is only shown in the search when a seller provides a compliant image.
Hope you understand how important it is to comply with amazon image requirements. Without compliance, it is doubtful to rank and make sales.
Other Amazon Site Standards for ALL Product Images
- Clearly present products that are available for sale.
- The product title must be lined up with its images.
- The 85% frame should be covered by the product.
- The file must be 1600px on the longest side for exceptional zoom experience. Although, if your file cannot follow this requirement, it must be 1000px for zoom, and the least small file must be around 500px for the site.
- On the longest side, it should not cross 10,000px.
- The file format must be TIFF, JPEG, PNG, or GIF. The recommended format is JPEG, and the animated GIFs are not supported.
- Avoid low-quality images such as pixelated, blurry, jagged edges, and so on.
- Sexually suggestive and nudity photography is forbidden. Additionally, some product photography is not allowed on a human model, such as kids’ swimwear, leotards, and underwear, etc.
- Using Amazon trademarks, logos, or any confusingly alike things is excluded in Amazon image requirements to your images. Similarly, the same is also valid for using amazon badges and other details such as the best seller, top seller, Amazon Alexa, and so on.
Amazon Image Requirements for Technical File
Here are some requirements that are important for technical image files. So, let’s go for it:
- GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, or GIF should be the file format.
- CMYK or RGB colors are allowed, but RGB is preferred more.
- 72 dpi is the least resolution required for technical image files.
- Photographs must be 1600px on the longest side or larger and must not exceed 10,000px. Because at this least size, the zoom function can be enabled. Zoom gives its customers an optimal experience and is considered a proven strategy to increase sales.
In what formats Amazon does not accept Images
- PDF (Portable Document Format)
- EPS (Encapsulated Postscript File)
- BMP (Windows Bitmap)
- Proprietary file formats of a specific software application.
Image Color Requirements
The below figure shows the color specification requirements highlighted by Amazon at their Amazon seller website.
Final Thoughts
Amazingly, you have completed the blog, and I hope you will pick something worthy from it. It was all about the Amazon image requirements set by Amazon for their sellers. Therefore, to rank higher and boost sales, it is complementary to follow the requirements. And in this regard, the information mentioned above is specially compiled to back your listing to perform exceptionally. Last but not least, don’t forget to share your feedback in the comment section.